Hello Dear Friends,

I’m writing more and more blogs and my team has encouraged me to set up a real blog for myself, so you will now find me at!

Aros Crystos

from the dolphins! Where there is true love shapes and forms disappear and left is only our smile. From Aros Crystos. Spinning out of the womb in the sea of creation, the ecstatic play of the dolphins is the vibrant memory of the rainbow colors of your soul.

Dolphin Consciousness!

Dolphins are in essence ascended masters, divine multi-dimensional beings, travelling in different dimensions. But on this physical plane in the form of the dolphin, they are here to bring all of us back into the ocean.  In the ocean we are immersed in the salt water crystals containing the information of Mother Earth.

Remember that the human being is a combination of many star beings, and we are amphibious beings, more than seventy-percent water. The true walls for humanity are the ocean’s waters.  Dolphins use ocean portals to travel inter-dimensionally.  The salt in the ocean is a crystal, containing the true history of the planet.  So bringing people to swim in the ocean salt crystals awakens the divine blueprint within to remember our true nature and inherent divinity.

Dolphins are conscious breathers. Conscious breathing is a path to awakening and enlightenment. We are automatic breathers.  As we remember and become conscious breathers, we strengthen our divine connection.

To heal the memory of Atlantis being suddenly submerged in water, many people returned in physical form as dolphins to remember and understand.  People’s fear of drowning and fear of water may stem from these memories and the shock of death in Atlantis. Dolphins are here to heal the memories of Atlantis that create a fear of  drowning in so many, and avoidance of the water.

When the dolphin look at you, they see only the vibration of the divine heart within you.  They don’t see any of your imperfections, fears, anxieties, feelings of separation or conditions. Because they address the human being from that place of unconditional love, the human being will experience that love that dwells inside of them selves. This experience will express itself in various ways – great joy, clear insights, true clarity of purpose, life-changing awareness to follow one’s heart, miraculous healings.  This is why when the dolphin facilitates in the process of autistic children and other psychological ailments has been so successful, because the person in question is approached as a divine being unconditionally accepted and perfect as they are, creating a heart opening for the dolphin to activate the healing powers within the persons body. That happens through pure intention and the way the dolphins are using their sonar location. For example they see the body as perfect and whole and then with their high pitched sonar, this will be activated in the body and the blueprint that is created is a perfect body free of energetic unbalances that created the problem in the first place.

At times, dolphins will bump people.  What is happening is the dolphin perceives energetic blocks or illness in the body and the bump releases the blockage.  Sometimes they will do these releases without touching the person.

Baptism and water have little to do with what has been

taught as giving a name.  It was to introduce the

human being into the water and initiate into their

amphibious self.  When you surrender to the

unknown then that becomes the known.

Some of the Messages Aros

has received from the Dolphins:

Flow in the trust of the moment and experience saturated states of awareness.

The odyssey of the soul’s adventure into infinite delight is like bubbles of joy and laughter in the ever-expanding truth of exuberant divine existence.

Swim in the bubbles of joy in the transformational sea of consciousness.

Syllables of truth must contain within them viable attainable solutions.

Where there is true love shapes and form disappear and left is only our smile.

Light transforms light into energy and that energy, in turn, becomes pure ecstasy. Now gently let yourself flow into the next awareness in form as, as this question: How would you describe and give the experience of love and ecstasy by sacred symbols or by sacred geometry?  Truly understand: that is where you are heading and in that awareness the totality of bliss is ever present. Start to recognize and be in tune with the sacred symbols. At the same time, understand that it is not so much a question of understanding—it is rather a sensation of knowing based upon ancient formulas.  Every shape and form contains a certain energy structure. When certain shapes are paired together in such a way that they create a link of energy, they then become very powerful.  Yes, you are the high priest of the ages. When your memory will blast forth, it will be no less than a big explosion emerging out of knowing—knowing based upon nothing and in that place we, the dolphins together with the whales, will appear in our true form.  It is healthy to remember that words in themselves are secondary. It is the energy and the symbols they create that allow for the possibility for overcoming the shadow play of duality.  Again, remember to move in symbols which in itself to be aware of the symbols that are always present and are always waiting to be discovered. When you experience the truth, recreate it into sacred symbols.

Dear ones, all the different emotions and sensations that you are experiencing are not stamped automatically as negative. Please remember that parts of your body have been the hiding place for so much of the world of duality.  Now, when the light is being crystallized in every cell and molecule of your being, every thing is exposed and transformed in an instant. The projects and creative endeavors that many of you are part of will be seen as a shining star.  This is because when simplicity and clarity is the message it will become like a powerful magnet that will draw to itself other hearts that are swimming in the same blue ocean of consciousness.

We are not a science project: to all of you do not be misled by people that are using the exploration of our world and who we are only to satisfy their ignorance and are not willing to open up to the magic that we can represent.  To anyone that will choose to behold us in this way we are saying this so you can learn to discriminate and when you are ambassadors for our species you do carry a responsibility to present us to the masses in a way that it opens up their own magic within themselves. This is not to say that all science about us is not valid. It is about discernment, about whom we truly are: travelers of the heart and multidimensional light workers.  Spinning an intergalactic web of consciousness that opens up the great knowing that life will not be fully embraces and understood until the mind and the heart are dancing in light and harmony. That is part of our mission: to allow this awakening to become very present within the world of science and by that create an alignment that will embrace that all science and such explorations will lead to the humble discovery that unless this understanding in all endeavors, no one is going anywhere.  All that is truly achieved is more denial about your true self.

Timelessness through activation of radiation is the true blueprint



Adventures In Consciousness, shares an opening into the interdimensional portals within your DNA and the restructure of your current 12 stranded one. It is time to share our galactic story and not the human which is such a small part of our true heritage and has been distorted for a very long time. Being that time does not truly exist as a measurement of age or history, it is of no value to dwell upon that. We are MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEINGS. We exist throughout the universe in various expressions. Our soul is electromagnetic and because of the current shifts on the planet and the electromagnetic field within the earth is dropping away, our soul is being activated to search for all the fragmented pieces inside the holographic universes. That will reflect in our memory being reactivated to remember without purpose. It becomes the most natural part of our lives again and gives us the vision to trust and know that we are worthy to join our galactic family and share once again in the celebration of what life is truly all about: An ecstatic dance where our need to become something vanishes and the feeling of separation will be the nightmare we held on to in sheer ignorance because our lack of trusting in the whisper of the heart.

Right now all of our brothers and sisters in the galaxy are ready to show up in our physical space is such a way that there is no room for any doubt on any level. They will remove the veil around the planet and the vision to behold will be of such a magnitude and beauty that by just looking at it we will remember. In human history, we are told about the Dark Night of the Soul.  No more, because in truth once the consciousness has awakened, words such as dark and light will have no more meaning. We might suggest that you can look at it from the perspective of different layers of light. So it is with great comfort and joy we welcome all of you back home and the adventure will once again be part of the universal frame of understanding and the galactic music will ring in your entire being and the ecstasy of that will remove any residue of the old and open completely the gates of pure and radiant wisdom. Humanity: sing and dance with us and open your heart and soul to our presence among you. Behold the light beyond the clouds and see us because we are here,

A kan tra ha (understanding begets the journey)

With Love and Respect,

The Heart is the Voice of Love: Listen to it! Trust it! Follow it!

In a turbulent world, a new understanding is being born out of the chaos–an understanding that words, and their meaning, have to be understood and not just spoken.

Often we hear, ‘It is happening within your heart,’ or, ‘Follow your heart.’ What does that truly mean? For people who are now awakening, they might not know that we also have a spiritual heart, or a heart chakra. The new age community must be aware that as the masses are opening their eyes to a brand new experience, it is important to share about the meaning of these words. The spiritual heart is located almost at the same place as the physical heart, and that place is an energy portal, if you like, into the third eye, which is of course an energy portal as well; and another portal into the crown chakra at the top of the head, which is symbolized as a thousand petal lotus and the gateway to one’s true and lasting self. Without this basic understanding it will be very difficult to follow the language of vibration and frequencies and so on.

The same thing goes for the mind, or ‘chitta’ in Sanskrit (consciousness). The mind does not only exist in the head if you like, it is also in the heart chakra which most people are not aware of. Without a basic understanding of the mind, all spiritual teaching does not amount to much. It is said in the Scriptues that the mind is bondage and the mind is liberation. With knowledge of the mind it will take you out of the maze of physical experience and show you again the world of energy and dimensions. Without knowledge of the mind, for most people it becomes like a monster that devours them. Look around and see a world where people’s minds have gone out of control.

The mind is also seen as a garbage can–what happens if you do not empty your garbage? Well it will run over and start to smell. In the same way, if you do not empty your mind it will cause stress and anxiety and chaos. Most people in the world do not even know this simple truth about the mind, and instead they fill it with more and more facts and concepts and it gets more and more agitated; and as a result people are sick and tired and feel run down. It is also said that the mind is like a monkey–it jumps from one branch to the other and what do we do? We follow it everywhere, so we do not truly experience life we experience the reaction to it.

We are approaching a new dawn and our galactic family is to show up among us in such a way that it cannot be denied anymore. Or can it? An unruly mind can deny you what is right in front of you; and I have seen it many times taking people to interact with dolphins in the open ocean. Some people see the dolphins and others do not until their minds accept that they are there. Our family from the stars are all around us and yet we do not see it or believe it because our minds will not let us.

The cabal has known this about the mind and all of their methods to control us and manipulate us have been happening through the mind. The mind can accept anything as the truth and become the slave of evil or good.

When someone is using such methods it is very difficult to get out of it because in any direction you look you are faced with your controlled mind again. And so after a while you succumb to a reality that has been planted in your mind and fed information all the time that will affirm that reality, and soon enough you have become a slave and have no rights to your own self and to know who you truly are a beautiful divine being. All these gateways will have been shut and bolted.  All this is only possible if you do not understand the mind.

That is why all the masters that come to this planet are saying the same thing: Wake up and see who you are!  And all their respective teachings deal with understanding how to quiet the mind and bring it back to calm and divine waters. So our foremost duty right now is to educate ourselves and our brothers and sisters how the mind operates, and assist our galactic family in this way, and by that, truly welcome them among us.

The remedy for all of this is still the same old story: LOVE! No matter in what reality you live it always comes back to love, because this entire universe is born out of love, sustained out of love and merging back into love. The cabal and other sinister groups like that cannot exist once we truly embrace this and see ourselves as part of one another, and that there is truly only one divine consciousness playing with itself as the creation.

The mind will respond to this like a person quenching his thirst in the desert, willingly and grateful for the water. You mind is your worst enemy or your best friend. Let’s make the mind our best friend again and stop this madness and take responsibility for whom we truly are: Divine Multi-Dimensional Beings. We are NOW in a moment of liberation of the mind and the human consciousness. We are being assisted in so many wonderful ways–let’s do our part and educate ourselves in the basic principles about the mind and the heart.

With Respect and Love, Aros

A New vocabulary!

Telepathy is communication right from the heart and in that place there is no confusion, and for myself that is how I have been communicating with the dolphins for many years and how I receive my messages. Since we are now inside a new paradigm, even though for many people it seems business as usual and nothing could be further from the truth. Telepathy is going to be the way of communicating and how we will be able to start interacting with our various Star Families ready to share with us their technologies and advanced programs of how to live in a galactic society free of money, religions and politics. After 13ooo years of being enslaved to accept a world of fear and chaos and separation–to once again embrace the light of our hearts and souls will be like awakening from a nightmare, truly, and realize, ‘I will never have this dream ever again, I am free to be me and explore that freedom with no limitations what so ever.’

As a writer I have come to see that words have been a way of keeping people stuck in the matrix. Being from Sweden, I have never written anything really in Swedish, it has always been in English. I have come to clearly see that the English vocabulary is so vast and so rich in many ways and at the same time so many programs within its structure that is well hidden that most people will never even see it. If this was purposely, I do not know, either way the result is the same. Take a word like Funeral and divide it you have the word fun, the word Ra which stands for the Sun God  and E another symbol for God. What about the sayings, ‘I am afraid that is true?’ ‘Children should be seen but not heard.’ And a very common one, ‘Let’s play it by ear,’ why not let’s play it by heart. As a matter of fact, if we used heart instead of many other words we would change the vibration and the tone of the language, and it can be more liberating.  There are thousands of examples that simply have been accepted as a valid way to communicate that create such a limitation and is not empowering to anyone. Telepathy will eliminate all of these obstructions and will clear a path for liberating communication on many levels. Like one of the first messages I received from the dolphins, ‘Where there is true love shapes and forms disappear and left is only our smile,’  or from our galactic family, ‘Love is your path, abundance is your pulse, freedom is your guide.’ In general, words and sentences have created a feeling of limitation and of unworthiness and confusion. Even the word love has been used in so many ways that the real meaning of it has lost its power. Imagine a couple: ‘Honey, I love you,’ and the next moment, ‘I love my new car.’ I do not think that any one of us would like to be loved in that way and yet that is the normal way these days. One of the most sacred words in India is the word Guru, the remover of darkness, so the guru is the light that takes away or wrong understanding and replaces it with light. In the Western way of using it, anyone that stands up and shares some teachings are now a ‘Guru,’ and how many ‘tennis gurus’ and sports gurus do we have. By not respecting and honoring sacred words we are diminishing our own value, because words and syllables carry vibration and transformation and, of course, that is why we have mantras to still the mind and help us meditate and relax. The mantra is like a magnet that pulls the mind within and where it becomes still; and beyond that stillness I can experience my true nature a s a divine being. Now imagine if each time we spoke to each other we could create this same sensation, we would all be in bliss. NOW that is what telepathy will do for us as we learn to adapt to it. So right now let’s tune to our hearts and listen with our hearts and follow this simple method. Love is the voice of the heart, listen to it,trust it and follow it.

You can now choose!

Maybe for the first time in thousands of years, we can now align with the freedom to choose what and how we think. This may seem absurd and yet it has been the truth that free thinkers has been very rare and in the last decades almost disappeared. Now though the tide is turning the light is hitting like a tidal wave and their is no escaping it.Which is opening the portal to telepathically communicate with our Star Family in many different realities and parallel universes.Because of that, we can mind melt if we choose with other beings and learn and remember quickly and see with their eyes and consciousness as well. It reminds me about a funny story. A big Bottle Nose Dolphin was swimming beside a scuba diver that was thinking.”I wonder if the dolphins really know how clever we are and the way we can think. The dolphins to himself.”Do you really think I am interested in your thinking. This is not about that this is about merging our consciousness in a natural and spontaneous way when we CHOOSE to do so. We will be able to use our minds in such a way that we can turn it of that nobody can see your thoughts and turn it back on again when we CHOOSE.. The new paradigm is all about choice and the freedom to choose. Simple and yet profound, our galactic family operates within this understanding that living out of choice means being responsible for those choices and that is why it is now being clear that to live in a Galactic society is about    respect and truth and the ability to choose based upon the understanding that we are all part of a hologram and that everything and everyone is inter connected to a larger hologram guided by a Divine matrix originating form the source of all that is.Exiting? Oh Yes! we will finally be able to access portals and dimensions with our minds that has been closed for thousands of years. How about being able to travel with your thoughts alone and physically be in another place when we choose. Awesome? Yes indeed and soon to be our new world where we will tap into the endless reservoirs of our minds. For many still it is hard maybe to fathom that what was yesterday science fiction will now be a natural reality.anyway any science fiction will sooner or later have in its seed to become a reality if we choose. 2012! what ever year it really is, is not important because in the new paradigm time as we have known it will cease to exist and be replaced with the expansion of the Divine Now in all directions. Mother Gaia has already chosen to ascend and has given us an amazing ride to be part of as she getting ready to Rock her body and become a fifth dimension planet again,Image she will ask all of us to be somewhere else when this happens and once again our galactic family has provided a solution for us, to go inside the hollow earth and be returned to full conscious beings again. We will exist for some moment with our cousins the Agarthans and be trained in how to live in a galactic society as fully conscious beings. Wow what a journey what a ride we have choosen for ourselves and are you not happy you signed on the dotted line! The party has just begun!!!!!!!!!!.

Fourth Of July 2012

I do not quite understand that so few people are not choosing to awaken to the real possibility that we have truly a galactic family and within our DNA we have strands of many Star Beings. Since early childhood I have had many real experiences around dimensions and Star ships and that you and I are not these bodies that we are truly consciousness/ energy and that we are as well Multi Dimensional Beings. I am sharing this because of the tremendous shifts that are happening and about to happen in such a way that it can not be denied anymore. Our foremost dharma at this sensitive time on Mother Gaia and within our own consciousness, the truth must be spoken at this moment to be silent is not of the highest advantage. Our galactic friends have been assisting us behind the scene for a very long time and at the same time allowed us to see the error of our ways. NOW! They are walking among us and have positioned them selves among us all in different positions. Spread through, politics, commerce, jobs and so on. They have done this because they are the link to the beings hoovering above us in a different dimension in their many Mother Ships plus in contact with the Agarthans living inside the hollow Earth in another dimension as well and also liked to surface humans that has been working since the seventies to bring in the new paradigm with love, peace and compassion and a new constitution for USA for the people by the people.And of course for the entire world. Let’s celebrate in our heart that this fourth of July will be the first time in USA history that people will actually be free and that this day takes on its real and lasting meaning and know that freedom before was only a word with no substance and directed by a very sinister group of people that in their arrogance forgot that their is a Divine Being and a Universal Law that will always stand victorious. It is confusing that we are reminded every day the sun rises the dark vanishes and yet we have believed that the dark could win this battle. THIS IS NOW OVER! The light is penetrating into ever cell of Gaia and every living thing and transforming us from within, that very soon will show up in our physical lives and in the ascension process of Gaia. People of the Earth, rejoice in the light and know the battle has been won and very soon a new bright dawn will shine in our hearts and all around us, the veil of amnesia will be lifted and we will see once again what was always there and covered up and manipulated by the dark, have compassion for the ones that has been under this dark spell and believed that they would get away with eliminating 2/3 of the population and taking everything away from us even the right to think forImage ourselves. Their greed and power hungry methods has turned against them as much as they has lived their lives in absurd luxury and used the human race as pawn in their own game, now they will experience the exact opposite the cause and affect operates in both ways. So have compassion and let’s be an example of what not to do, all of us have very good and valid reason to be very angry and upset and want to take justice into our own hands, please let’s show our world we will do it in a different way and start living the new paradigm of unconditional love. These simple words are not just for reading, they are here as a reminder that every one of us is complete whole and perfect RIGHT NOW. We are encouraged and empowered to see that and to trust again in who and what we are and start to forgive our selves for being lost in our lack of understanding. We have all been together in this mess we are all responsible for the drama we have created and now we are choosing to stand in our lights and declare to ourselves and the world, we are one people and a human family that belongs to an extended large galactic family as well and we are ready join them again and that Mother Gaia can rejoice in the fact that all of her children will ascend with her into the fifth dimension and beyond. Fourth Of July 2012! The time for celebration is here.

I do not quite understand that so few people are not choosing to awaken to the real possibility that we have truly a galactic family and within our DNA we have strands of many Star Beings. Since early childhood I have had many real experiences around dimensions and Star ships and that you and I are not these bodies that we are truly consciousness/ energy and that we are as well Multi Dimensional Beings. I am sharing this because of the tremendous shifts that are happening and about to happen in such a way that it can not be denied anymore. Our foremost dharma at this sensitive time on Mother Gaia and within our own consciousness, the truth must be spoken at this moment to be silent is not of the highest advantage. Our galactic friends have been assisting us behind the scene for a very long time and at the same time allowed us to see the error of our ways. NOW! They are walking among us and have positioned them selves among us all in different positions. Spread through, politics, commerce, jobs and so on. They have done this because they are the link to the beings hoovering above us in a different dimension in their many Mother Ships plus in contact with the Agarthans living inside the hollow Earth in another dimension as well and also liked to surface humans that has been working since the seventies to bring in the new paradigm with love, peace and compassion and a new constitution for USA for the people by the people.And of course for the entire world. Let’s celebrate in our heart that this fourth of July will be the first time in USA history that people will actually be free and that this day takes on its real and lasting meaning and know that freedom before was only a word with no substance and directed by a very sinister group of people that in their arrogance forgot that their is a Divine Being and a Universal Law that will always stand victorious. It is confusing that we are reminded every day the sun rises the dark vanishes and yet we have believed that the dark could win this battle. THIS IS NOW OVER! The light is penetrating into ever cell of Gaia and every living thing and transforming us from within, that very soon will show up in our physical lives and in the ascension process of Gaia. People of the Earth, rejoice in the light and know the battle has been won and very soon a new bright dawn will shine in our hearts and all around us, the veil of amnesia will be lifted and we will see once again what was always there and covered up and manipulated by the dark, have compassion for the ones that has been under this dark spell and believed that they would get away with eliminating 2/3 of the population and taking everything away from us even the right to think forImage ourselves. Their greed and power hungry methods has turned against them as much as they has lived their lives in absurd luxury and used the human race as pawn in their own game, now they will experience the exact opposite the cause and affect operates in both ways. So have compassion and let’s be an example of what not to do, all of us have very good and valid reason to be very angry and upset and want to take justice into our own hands, please let’s show our world we will do it in a different way and start living the new paradigm of unconditional love. These simple words are not just for reading, they are here as a reminder that every one of us is complete whole and perfect RIGHT NOW. We are encouraged and empowered to see that and to trust again in who and what we are and start to forgive our selves for being lost in our lack of understanding. We have all been together in this mess we are all responsible for the drama we have created and now we are choosing to stand in our lights and declare to ourselves and the world, we are one people and a human family that belongs to an extended large galactic family as well and we are ready join them again and that Mother Gaia can rejoice in the fact that all of her children will ascend with her into the fifth dimension and beyond. Fourth Of July 2012! The time for celebration is here.

Let’s play a game of linear history. 1768 cook sail for Tahiti to observe the Venus Transit. in 1769.  1776 Declaration of Independence is signed and it frees United States Of America from the British Empire. Really!

The Illuminati or the Cabal is formed in Bavaria Germany by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. This is a game because time is never linear. Now what is the fascination with this Transit of Venus. Yes with the eyes of Nostalgia it is a major event and many people will not experience this in their life time as it only happens every 120 year with 8 years apart. So we feel that we are part of something special and one level we are, yet why is it such news all over the world. Remember this is just a game,no judgement or permanent rules just this moment. I think because we have lost sight of our own selves and felt so alienated from the truth that we seek out events that will fill ourselves with some kind of sensation, to be able to feel special. Understandable considering that we have believed and swallowed most things that we have been told. Specially that we are not divine beings and may not claim such a truth if you are not ordained and been given a special dispensation by some self pointed authority. 2012! This is as true as it was in 1776, the difference is that at least in those days, people had air to breath and clean water and a soil that had not been polluted by arrogance by the few. From historic point of view we do not seem to have grown much except being maybe taller. The same story again, cook sailed out to find a new world, today we explore space with the same attitude and we have wars and famine and religious control.. What will history say about this time on planet earth, what do we have to show our next generation? frightening is it not? Again I am playing a game of linear history. In the midst of chaos, wars pollution and a rampart interest in only one self and so what, if children in other parts of the world go to bed hungry or are sold as slaves, as long as my child is an honor student and I can display it on the bumper sticker of my car. Why do we not hold the same interest for solving our domestic problems and make a world that future generations can exist in with honor,compassion, love and truth,again this is not about judgement it is simply an observation. Now I am writing this from my understanding of the world and where we are heading. I do believe we have a Galactic Family ready and willing to step in so we have something to leave that is worth reading about in the future. They are not here to save us, NO OF COURSE NOT, rather to remind us who we truly are and point in a direction that can take us out of the insanity we have created. They can not walk the path for us, only point the way.

As much as during Cook’s time in 1768 when people still believed that their little world was the only world and to think anything else was considered against the law. Also just a few hundreds years ago, women were burnt at the stake as witches and declared evil because they showed and shared their Natural Venus Nature.  We are  much in the same predicament that only a few years ago you were not allowed to talk about aliens and other planets and realities as a real possibility, only  real scientists were allowed to explore this subject controlled be the few what and how to say what they discovered. The movies has to a certain degree become an outlet for desperate souls to share their findings within them selves and announce it to a world longing to see the next horizon beyond what they have been told.Anyway before I get to far ahead of myself. Let’s go back to the first line USA became independent of the British Empire.

In truth they sealed an even stronger document that has kept this amazing country and its people in chains with lies upon lies and today finally 2012 there is a cry of freedom. The illuminati has owned USA since that time through the gangster bankers and it is  most likely the biggest hoax ever played out that this county was the home of the free. Yes it is interesting that Illuminati was founded in 1776 the same year that the declaration of Independence was signed.? Venus transit will bring out the hidden within each of us and transform our society  in a historic way. Only time will tell what that is. For myself I am grateful that she has brought this to the surface so I can release it and maybe share it with others. So as she is traveling across the sun and millions of people are fascinated by her I for myself have seen her in the center of my being and once again I am reminded that the universe and millions of universes are part of me and I part of them. I choose to let go of linear time and open my eyes to the spectacular energy within myself that created everything . Now I do not play a game anymore, this is the reality I am now embracing and I look up into the sky and with a soft smile I witness myself traveling across the sky as venus. Thank Goddess, thank you God for once again reminding me who I am and i have only been playing a game with myself..